Monday, 12 January 2009

Meeting "52 Pickup"

We're having a bit of trouble in only our second week of sticking to our community of practice meetings - two of the Agile teams are having meetings today, and it seemed like if we were to be able to share information on how Agile is going, we would do a lot better if the people who were already ramping up with Agile were sharing their experiences with the other members of the team. So I've moved it to tomorrow. Tuesday is probably going to have to be a permanent thing as with 7 teams, at least one person will be at an all-day sprint planning meeting every Monday (even though there's only supposed to happen once a month).

I'm sure there are comments to make about how the first sprint planning meeting went today, but I wasn't at the meeting. The feedback I got was that far more research should have been done to flesh out the ideas before everybody got into a room, and that nobody really knew what they were doing. It does really make me want to switch to Scrum-mastering - I'm sure I could help us get to a better state in our process if I were in the middle of things rather than on the sidelines doing mop-up work and just trying to keep the site going during this big transition.

Also, we're running short on QA resource and we are really getting to "squeezing blood from a stone" as people attempt to find non-existent "free" time in the schedule of the QA team members who've started with the Agile. I am not sure how this is coming as a surprise to the PMs in question, but it is!

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